
SETI@home is in hibernation.

We are no longer distributing tasks. The SETI@home message boards will continue to operate, and we'll continue working on the back-end data analysis. Maybe we'll even find ET!

Thanks to everyone for your support over the years. We encourage you to keep crunching for science.


SETI@home is a scientific experiment, based at UC Berkeley, that uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data.

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Nebula-related news
Read the latest installment of the Nebula blog: Observations on observation.
8 Jun 2024, 3:24:06 UTC · Discuss

External design review
We met with a group of outside experts to review some of our back-end algorithms. It was a productive meeting.
22 May 2024, 5:03:17 UTC · 手机shadowsock教程

Nebula progress and non-progress
The last data has been sent out, but our work on Nebula - the final phase of data analysis - is picking up steam. However, not all ideas are good ideas. Read about Multiplet scoring: back to the drawing board.
26 Apr 2024, 3:58:12 UTC · Discuss

V2Ray使用教程:节点搭建,配置及软件下载方法 – The ...:2021-6-15 · V2Ray相对影梭还比较新,它是2021年才首次出现的,所众目前用户的广泛度还不及影梭,但它的性能、速度、稳定性等方面丝毫不亚于影梭,而且V2Ray的节点搭建过程也不像影梭一样复杂。 本篇教程将详细展示V2Ray的使用方法。
As promised, we've stopped the process that puts new data into the queue today. Data distribution will continue until the files shown on the status pages are done. We'll be accepting results and resending results that didn't validate for a while.
31 Mar 2024, 16:23:54 UTC · 免费ssr节点2022

Jim_S has passed away.
We are saddened to report that former moderator and long-term friend of SETI@home Jim Scott passed away unexpectedly this morning. Angela has started a thread where people can post their memories of Jim and offer condolences.
29 Mar 2024, 1:58:47 UTC · Discuss

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©2024 University of California
SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.

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